New Driveway Turaround Area |
Nichols Canyon Modern Natural
This home had a looming issue, a very large overgrown, weed covered slope behind the garden area, a long asphalt drive, and a rundown pool area. The brief was to create a natural garden area bit at the same time maintain and enhance the new modern styling of the home.
The first task was to strip the hill clean of all weeds and overgrowth. We then installed a Jute mat over the entire hill to help keep the soil in place and to help with the new plantings. Masses of prostrate rosemary were planted into to Jute and will eventually cove the hill, add great stability to the soil and provide color and texture to the site.
Two new decks were constructed on the site. A large deck running the full length of the house to create a huge additional patio and entertaining space and a deck on the upper pool deck area to create a raised pool deck and seating area.
The site was planted out with native grasses and dear resistant plants to stop the local wildlife from eating the garden. A large long lawn area was installed so create a green belt between the deck and the slope. A number of large pots were planted out and placed throughout the space to add interest and height to the garden. The narrow front entrance to the house was cleared and a simple clean garden planted. A focal fountain was installed so it could be viewed from the house and as you approached the front door.
The existing long asphalt drive and turnaround was removed and a new concrete drive installed. The drive was designed as two wheel runs and a central planted area. The grasses and plants installed here are low growing and if they do get tall will be “car pruned”. The turnaround area at the top of the drive was designed as a number of large squares set on the diagonal. We planted the spaces with sod lawn, low growing groundcovers and a number of mid height grasses.
Two feature fountains were installed on this property. A rain waterfall was created under the overhang of the deck over the pool, creating a rain sheet in front of the natural stone wall. The second water feature is the mid-driveway stream. We created a recirculation stream down a section of the drive. The water flows over the rock stream to a basin hidden beneath the rocks at the end. It is then pumped back up to the source. You are able to walk and drive over the stream. It is a great focal feature and talking point.